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Jan 29, 2016

Nearly the entire Virginia coast to be auctioned off in 2017.

Feds ignore studies proving Off Shore Wind would generate twice as power as all the oil and gas by 2030.

Atlantic Off Shore Oil and Gas drilling Green Lighted by Feds Nearly the entire Virginia coast to be auctioned off in 2017. Feds ignore studies proving Off Shore Wind would generate twice as power as all the oil and gas by 2030.

Atlantic off shore drilling will happen unless we all email, write, call, tweet, etc. elected officials and tell them to stop delaying Atlantic Wind Farms, which will out produce oil and gas, and do it FOREVER. It is time for the Feds to stop making believe off shore wind is experimental, and embrace it as has Denmark which got 42% of all it’s elec from wind instead of allowing special interests and entrenched utilities from blocking Off Shore Wind. Off Shore Wind, as has all Green Energy, will create more PERMANENT JOBS, and pump more money into local economies than offshore drilling and will keep it up forever . If Atlantic Off Shore Wind was allowed to develop at the same pace as does European Off Shore Wind, by 2030 it would provide more jobs and energy than ALL the oil and gas that could be recovered from the Atlantic shelf  . The people of the US are so hungry for Green Energy we are paying Canada to develop and Off Shore Wind Industry in Nova Scotia and send the power via a 300 mile undersea cable to Boston now that Cape Wind has been forced to abandon it’s efforts after decade of NIMBY and even more spurious lawsuits along with every road block entrenched utilities could throw in their path.

The only wind farm projects in the US are heavily subsidized studies doomed to lose money and disappoint all. Though, one wind farm project got the green light by including a 100 million (1/3 of project cost) to connect Block Island, the poor relation sandwiched between the Hamptons and Martha’s Vineyard, to the mainland grid with an undersea power line. That cable, without a watt of wind energy, will let property values skyrocket to match it’s better neighbors.   That cable will also be paid for by rate payers across the state, instead of the islanders who will so benefit, as part of the “high” cost of wind energy (well, it is when you stack the deck against it like that). It’s almost as if the gov’t WANTS off shore wind to fail.

The bottom line is we KNOW green energy creates more jobs and economic activity than fossil fuel and nukes, we KNOW it harms the environment LESS than oil rigs that are about to blanket the Atlantic coast instead of Wind Farms, we KNOW it’s cost competitive now, we KNOW IT WORKS as entire countries are getting 20%, 30%, 40% of their electricity from green energy already.

What we don't know is why the Feds aren't fast tracking Off Shore Wind to help save our economy, our people, our world.

Keywords:  Off Shore Oil and Gas Drilling off shore wind  blocking Off Shore Wind Green Energy create JOBS  undersea cable Cape Wind NIMBY lawsuits utilities  cost competitive